Utilisation de critères fonctionnels (présence de spermatophore, maturation des ovaires) pour la détermination de la taille et de l'âge à maturité sexuelle des Nephrops norvegicus femelles de la région sud-Bretagne
The average length at which female Nephrops norvegicus attain their first maturity was determined during 1977 and 1978 by following the presence of spermatophores and development of the ovaries. During 1978, females were sexually mature at the age of 2 but in 1977 they did not mature before the age of 3. The cumulative maturity curves are sigmoid, due to an overlapping of Gaussian curves. A logistic equation was developed to calculate the percentage of mature females at each length. There is no evidence that the present fishing levels reduce the chances of a female with developing ovaries to be fertilized, since 90 to 100% of such females bear spermatophores.
Brittany, France, ANE, Crustacea, Nephrops norvegicus, females, growth, sexual maturity
Morizur Yvon (1983). Utilisation de critères fonctionnels (présence de spermatophore, maturation des ovaires) pour la détermination de la taille et de l'âge à maturité sexuelle des Nephrops norvegicus femelles de la région sud-Bretagne. Journal du Conseil - Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer. 41. 28-36. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/2349/