Expression of immune-related genes in the oyster Crassostrea gigas during ontogenesis

The work presented here reports the expression of immune-related genes during ontogenesis in the oyster Crassostrea gigar. Expression patterns of 18 selected genes showed that RNAs detected in oocytes and 2-4 cell embryos are of maternal origin and that gene transcription starts early after fertilization. The expression patterns of 4 genes (Cg-timp, Cg-tal, Cg-EcSOD and Drac3) suggested that hemocytes appear in the gastrula-trochophore stages. The localization of Cg-tal expression suggested that hematopoietic cells were derived from vessels and/or artery endothelia cells. Moreover, a bacterial challenge affected the level of expression of genes. Indeed, a change in expression levels was observed for Cg-LBP/BPI, Cg-timp, Drac3 and Cg-MyD88 genes in larval stages upon exposure to non-pathogenic bacteria. In early juveniles, a modulation was also observed for Cg-LBP/BPI, Cg-timp, Cg-MyD88 and for Cg-tal, according to the concentration of bacteria. Altogether, the results showed that studying the appearance of immunocompetent cells through their ability to express immune-related genes is a tool to gain insight the ontogenesis of the oyster immune system. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Rel/NF kappa B pathway, Cell proliferation, Hematopoiesis, Mollusk immunity, Hemocytes, Bivalve mollusk

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How to cite
Tirape Ana, Bacque Coralie, Brizard Raphael, Vandenbulcke Franck, Boulo Viviane (2007). Expression of immune-related genes in the oyster Crassostrea gigas during ontogenesis. Developmental & Comparative Immunology. 31 (9). 859-873.,

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