Bonamia exitiosa Hine et al., 2001 is proposed instead of B. exitiosus as the valid name of Bonamia sp infecting flat oysters Ostrea chilensis in New Zealand

A parasite of the dredge oyster Ostrea chilensis Philippi, previously known as Bonamia sp., was recently described and named Bonamia exitiosus, based on ultrastructural and molecular evidence. The rules governing the names of organisms require correspondence of gender, and the name must be changed from B. exitiosus to B. exitiosa.


Zoological nomenclature, Bonamia exitiosa

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How to cite
Berthe Franck, Hine Mike (2003). Bonamia exitiosa Hine et al., 2001 is proposed instead of B. exitiosus as the valid name of Bonamia sp infecting flat oysters Ostrea chilensis in New Zealand. Diseases of aquatic organisms (depuis 2001). 57 (1-2). 181.

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