Effect of orgnotin compounds (TBT) used in antifouling paints on cultured marine molluscs - a literature study

Organotin salts, used as antifouling substances have a deleterious effect on the environment particularly on molluscs and especially on the Japanese oyster Crassostrea gigas. A synthesis of the effects of tributyltin (TBT) on cultured molluscs reveals the following effects: 1) acute and chronic toxicity to the adults; 2) accumulation in the flesh 01 the adults; 3) perturbation 01 reproduction particularly fertility, mortality 01 offspring and decrease in larval growth rate; 4) decrease in the growth rate 01 juveniles and thickening 01 the shell; and 5) modification 01 the physiology al sublethal levels.


TBT, Crassostrea gigas, Oyster, Marine molluscs, Organotin

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How to cite
Heral Maurice, Alzieu Claude, Deslous-Paoli Jean-Marc (1989). Effect of orgnotin compounds (TBT) used in antifouling paints on cultured marine molluscs - a literature study. In : Aquaculture - a biotechnology in progress (De Pauw, E. Jaspers, H. Ackefors, N. Wilkins (Eds). 1081-1089. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/3016/

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