Could Mikrocytos roughleyi be a mis-classified haplosporidian?

Bonamiosis refers to diseases of oysters caused by Bonamia ostreae in the Northern Hemisphere and Bonamia sp. in the Southern Hemisphere. Similarly, Mikrocytosis usually refers to diseases of oysters caused by Mikrocytos mackini on the west coast of Canada and Mikrocytos roughleyi on the east coast of Australia.


Oysters, Diseases, Pathology, Mikrocytos roughleyi

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How to cite
Cochennec Nathalie, Le Roux Frédérique, Berthe Franck, Hine Mike (2001). Could Mikrocytos roughleyi be a mis-classified haplosporidian?. Aquaculture 2001, Lake Buena Vista, FL (USA), 21-25 Jan 2001.

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