Comments on "Shallow gas off the Rhone prodelta, Gulf of Lions" by Garcia-Garcia et al. (2006) Marine Geology 234 (215-231) - Reply

We really appreciate the interest and comments regarding our manuscript. We hope we address all the lingering issues in this reply. This also gives us the opportunity of publishing an update on our dataset that will complete the original manuscript (see Table 1). We have followed the author pattern in our answers: I-Gas sampling procedure, 2-Reported gas concentrations results, 3-General remarks, 4-Conclusions. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Gulf of Lions, Rhone prodelta, Flood deposits, Biogenic methane, Shallow gas

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How to cite
Garcia Garcia A, Orange D, Lorenson T, Radakovitch O, Tesi T, Miserocchi S, Berne Serge, Friend P, Nittrouer C, Normand Alain (2008). Comments on "Shallow gas off the Rhone prodelta, Gulf of Lions" by Garcia-Garcia et al. (2006) Marine Geology 234 (215-231) - Reply. Marine Geology. 248 (1-2). 118-121.,

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