On the depth of oceanic earthquakes: Brief comments on "The thermal structure of oceanic and continental lithosphere", by McKenzie, D., Jackson, J. and Priestley, K., Earth Plan. Sci. Let., 233, [2005], 337-349


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How to cite
Geli Louis, Sclater J (2008). On the depth of oceanic earthquakes: Brief comments on "The thermal structure of oceanic and continental lithosphere", by McKenzie, D., Jackson, J. and Priestley, K., Earth Plan. Sci. Let., 233, [2005], 337-349. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 265 (3-4). 769-775. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2007.08.029, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/3877/

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