A comparative analysis of métiers and catch profiles for some French demersal and pelagic fleets

A quantitative comparison between metiers and resulting catch profiles was carried out for seven French demersal and pelagic fleets operating in the North Sea, the eastern Channel, and the Bay of Biscay. Typologies for four metiers have been attempted, based on different factors (gear, mesh size, fishing ground, and/or a priori target species), data sources (logbooks or harbour enquiries), and aggregation levels. Catch profiles were selected through cluster analysis. The linkage between metiers and catch profiles was quantified using uncertainty coefficients, which depended on the metier typology being used and the fleet under consideration, but were not subject to substantial inter- or intra-annual fluctuations. Future catch profiles and metiers were forecast in 2005 based on the 2001 2004 metier/catch profile correlations. When contrasted with the 2005 observations, the forecasting score was greatest (80-85%) for pelagic trawlers and gillnetters, and lowest for demersal trawlers (5-60%).


Uncertainty coefficients, Metiers, Fleets, Fishing intention, Catch profiles

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How to cite
Marchal Paul (2008). A comparative analysis of métiers and catch profiles for some French demersal and pelagic fleets. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 65 (4). 674-686. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsn044, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/4075/

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