First results of a 10 ha Macrobrachium farm in Tahiti

The Office de la Recherche et Ressources Océaniques (O.R.E.R.O.) in Tahiti and the Centre Océanologique du Pacifique (COP) have developed together for 10 years the whole set of techniques to culture Macrobrachium rosenbergii : hatchery systems, feed formulations and locally produced pellets, nursery and grow-out ponds. This paper presents the first results of a 10 ha Macrobrachium rosenbergii commercial private farm operating in Tahiti since 1981 with water renewal by gravity flow. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]

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How to cite
AQUACOP (1983). First results of a 10 ha Macrobrachium farm in Tahiti. 1st International Biennal Conference on Warm Water Aquaculture - Crustacea 02/9-11/83 Brigham Young University. Hawai.

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