Influence of nitrogen enrichment on size-fractionated in vitro carboxylase activities of phytoplankton from Thau Lagoon (Coastal Mediterranean Lagoon, France)

The influence of dissolved inorganic and organic nitrogen (DIN and DON) enrichments on pools of enzymes responsible for CO2 fixation by the Calvin-Benson (Rubisco) and beta-carboxylation pathways (beta-carboxylases) were studied in a natural plankton assemblage. The plankton community from a coastal Mediterranean lagoon were incubated in situ for 24 h with initially ammonium, nitrate and DON (taurine) enrichments and compared to a control without any enrichment. An increase of small picophytoplankton and diatom biomass was observed in the enriched inorganic nitrogen treatments 7 - 10 h after the initial enrichment. Phytoplankton biomass decreased in the control and under taurine enrichment suggesting an inorganic nitrogen limitation of phytoplankton growth.


Heterotrophy, Autotrophy, Nitrogen enrichments, Size fractionated phytoplankton, Carboxylase activities

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How to cite
Fouilland Eric, Descolas Gros Chantal, Collos Yves, Vaquer a André, Souchu Philippe, Gasc Anne, Bibent Bertrand, Pons Virginie (2002). Influence of nitrogen enrichment on size-fractionated in vitro carboxylase activities of phytoplankton from Thau Lagoon (Coastal Mediterranean Lagoon, France). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 275 (2). 147-171.,

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