Phosphorus forms related to sediment grain size and geochemical characteristics in French coastal areas

Phosphorus forms with respect to sediment characteristics, such as grain-size, and major chemical elements, were studied in French coastal marine areas (the Bay of Seine and the Loire and Gironde Estuaries).In the three areas, Fe/Al-bound phosphate (Fe/Al-P) and exchangeable phosphate (exch-P) were significantly related to the proportion of fine fraction (< 63 mum). The special association of these forms with fine particles, as well as the relationships between exch-P, Fe/Al-P and Fe showed that adsorption processes on Fe oxides had taken place. However, for similar Fe concentrations, Bay of Seine sediments showed Fe/Al-P concentrations which were four to five times higher than those found in the Loire and Gironde Estuaries. This was attributed to differences in sediment nature and processes in these two types of areas. Indeed, the Loire and Gironde Estuaries frequently show hypoxia.Calcium-bound phosphate (Ca-P) was found in all grain size classes with comparable concentrations in the Bay of Seine where there was no correlation between Ca-P and Ca. This corresponded to the calcium's marine origin (shells) in the Bay of Seine. In contrast, the correlation of Ca-P with Ca and the fine fraction of the sediment in the Loire and Gironde Estuaries was characteristic of the predominant metamorphic origin of Ca-P in these areas.Useful information for interpretation of P-forms can be obtained from major sediment characteristics. Thus, for areas where specific relationships have previously been established good estimates of P-forms could be predicted from sediment properties.


Coastal areas, Major elements, Phosphorus forms, Grain size, Sediments

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How to cite
Andrieux-Loyer Françoise, Aminot Alain (2001). Phosphorus forms related to sediment grain size and geochemical characteristics in French coastal areas. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 52 (5). 617-629.,

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