Operational oceanography in France : the Coriolis project

An operational oceanographic system is being developed in France to monitor and forecast ocean behavior. It is composed of three projects: - Sea-surface observation using satellite sensors, - ln situ measurements from ships, moored or drifting autonomous systems, - Assimilation of in-situ and satellite data in an ocean circulation modal. Coriolis contributes to the in situ part of this system,with the objective of developing continuous,automatic,and permanent observation networks. The data collected will enable water properties to be mapped, such as temperature, and ocean circulation. (NOT CONTROLLED OCR]

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How to cite
Coatanoan Christine, Carval Thierry, Petit de La villeon Loic, Autret Emmanuelle, Gouriou Yves, Gourmelen Loic (2006). Operational oceanography in France : the Coriolis project. Poster Argo Workshop. 17-18 March 2006. Venice, Italy. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/4691/

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