Continuous Deep Sea Salt Layer along North Atlantic Margins related to Early Phase of Rifting

Type Article
Date 1970-07
Language English
Author(s) Pautot Guy, Le Pichon Xavier
Source Nature (Nature), 1970-07 , Vol. 227 , N. 5256 , P. 351-354
Mot-Clé(s) Histoire Ifremer
Abstract Deep seismic reflexion surveys have revealed diapiric structures in deep water off Labrador, Newfoundland, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain and lreland as well as in the Mediterranean. Many of these diapirs are similar to the Gulf of Mexico salt domes, and it is suggested that there is a continuous deep sea sait layer, off the continental margin, which is related to the early phase of rifting. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]
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How to cite 

Pautot Guy, Le Pichon Xavier (1970). Continuous Deep Sea Salt Layer along North Atlantic Margins related to Early Phase of Rifting. Nature, 227(5256), 351-354. Open Access version :