Synthèse des différentes études sur le manganèse des fonds océaniques


Histoire Ifremer

Core samples and related interstitial waters obtained during oceanographic cruises (Walda, Transpac 1 and 2) were studied. A model is proposed to explain the origin of manganese at the sediment sea water boundary. One source of the manganese of ferromanganese nodules can be deduced by the concentration mechanism described. Ni, Cu, Co, Zn are trapped within ferromanganese nodules by adsorption from sea water. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]

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Comment citer
Michard G, Boulad A- P, Boulegue J, Grimaud D, Kornprobst C, Lavergne D, Renard D (1977). Synthèse des différentes études sur le manganèse des fonds océaniques. Ref. Publications du Centre National pour l'Exploitation des Océans (CNEXO), Série Rapports scientifiques et techniques, n° 32, 1977 ISSN 0339-2899.

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