The marginal SaoPaulo plateau, comparaison with the southern angolan margin


Histoire Ifremer

During the Geobrésil cruise of the R. V. Jean Charcot (1973) several marine geophysical lines, including bathymetry, magnetism, continuous seismic as well as sonobuoy profiles have been run across a deep marginal plateau extending on the southeastern Brazilian margin and known as the Sao Paulo Plateau. These data indicate the presence of a thick sedimentary cover (more than 4s DTT) on the upper slope and up to 3s DTT thick on the lower slope and rise. The entire slope is highly disturbed by salt diapiric structures mostly apparent between the 2 000-3 000 bathymetriclines and comparable to the ones described in the western Mediterranean sea. The Sao Paulo scarp, bordering the deep marginal plateau to the South-West, is believed to be a discontinuous and "en échelon» structure probably related to numerous and closely spaced early fracture zones. The overal structures Of two areas - the Sao Paulo and the Angolan margin - are briefly cOmpared and Preliminary results of DSDP holes 356 and 364 suggest a similar sedimentary history, during mesozoic times, for both margins. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]

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How to cite
Mascle Jean, Renard Vincent (1976). The marginal SaoPaulo plateau, comparaison with the southern angolan margin. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias. 48 (Supp.). 187-198.

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