Le genre brementia chatton - brément, curieux copépode notodelphyidae ascidicole parasite de didemnidae
Histoire Ifremer
Based on specimens collected in the western Mediterranean, a redescription is provided of Brementia balneolensis Chatton - Brément, notodelphyid copepod parasitic in the ascidian Polysyncraton canetensis Brément. In the same host lives another species of Notodelphyidae new to science, whose general morphology is similar to that of B. balneolensis, from which it differs definitely by numerous characteristics. Our present knowledge of the phylogeny of ophioseidimorph Notodelphyidae refrained the authors to establish a new genus for this new species, described under the name of Brementia illgi. A discussion on phylogenetic trends in the genus Brementia and its relationships with other Notodelphyidae, together with some remarks on the host specificity of both species of Brementia conclude the paper. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]