A schematic model of the evolution of the south atlantic


Histoire Ifremer

A schematic model of the evolution of the South Atlantic ocean is proposed to demonstrate the possibilities offered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project within the framework of Plate Tectonics to reconstruct a logical evolution of the history of the ocean basins and their paleoenvironment. The emphasis is put on the methodology available to reconstruct the ocean crust morphology and its sedimentary cover at all stages throughout the opening of the ocean.Paleobathymetric, deep paleo-water-circulation and paleo-sedimentary - facies maps at five different stages of the opening are presented and discussed. The last type of maps are in great part based on a new paleo - Carbonate Compensation Depth Curve for the South Atlantic which is tentatively proposed here. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]

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How to cite
Le Pichon Xavier, Melguen M., Sibuet Jean-Claude (1978). A schematic model of the evolution of the south atlantic. Advances in oceanography. 375-422. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/5196/

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