Ocean crust geothermal processes : a perspective from the vantage of leg 54 drilling


Histoire Ifremer

Two distinct sedimentary facies produced by sea-floor hydrothermal activity were cored during Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 54. The first is equivalent to the typical basal iron- and manganese-rich, clayey mud recovered at many DSDP sites. It was sampled as a dispersed component throughout the cores taken in small sediment ponds in several sites within 120 km of the East Pacific Rise at 9°N. We infer that this component was originally deposited as iron hydroxides dispersed from high-temperature vents over the axial magma chamber of the East Pacific Rise. In the sediments, the iron hydroxides have reacted diagenetically with siliceous microfossil tests and detrital clays to form K- and Fe-rich clays with variable SiO(2)/Fe(2)O(3) and Fe(2)O(3)/Al(2)O(3), ratios. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]

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How to cite
Hekinian Roger, Rosendahl Bruce R., Natland James H. (1980). Ocean crust geothermal processes : a perspective from the vantage of leg 54 drilling. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 54. 267-294. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/5328/

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