Present status of mariculture study in Japan for tuna species


Histoire Ifremer

The study of mariculture of tuna species started in 1969 in Japan. There have been two types of trial employed. For this (1) after stripping the eggs from naturally mature adults and artificial fertilization, the newly hatched larvae were reared indoor tank (2) ongrowing of juveniles in net cages after collecting them from the open sea. In the initial stage of research neither of the two types of trial was very successful, but year by year the technology has improved and at this time success has been achieved with several species. In this paper recent research results are reported in details for four species-yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares, bonito Sarda orientalis, frigate mackerel Auxis tapeinosoma and A. thazard. Bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus not be successful owing to no getting mature eggs.

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How to cite
Harada T. (1978). Present status of mariculture study in Japan for tuna species. Publ. CNEXO (France) (Actes Colloq.)(no. 8).

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