Variabilité annuelle du recrutement et évaluation des besoins en nombre de captures d'une pêcherie littorale de Homard Homarus Gammarus en Bretagne (Ile d'Houat) (1973.1974.1975.1977.1978)


Histoire Ifremer

Through the log-books of fishermen an estimation of the annual variability of recruitment (by annual first commercial size-class strengh) in a coastal lobster fishery has been realized for five fishing season (1973 to 1978). For this feature, year 1975 appears as an exceptionnal lobster season for the whole fishery along Brittany Coast, considering the apparent abundance of the recruits. The sharing out of the catches in commercial size-groups for this small fishery allows to estimate the minimal number of surplus-recruits (roughly one thousand 4 years old by year) to be produced by the juvenile (stage IV and V) lobster hatchery operating in the analyzed fishery area. This minimum level, if the hatchery impact has to be assessed from surplus commercial catches by this little fleet of nearby 20 crabs and lobsters fishing bouts, approximates one thousand 4 years-age recruits trapped during first fishing season.

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Comment citer
Le Gall J.Y., Jezequel M, Lorec J, Henocque Y (1979). Variabilité annuelle du recrutement et évaluation des besoins en nombre de captures d'une pêcherie littorale de Homard Homarus Gammarus en Bretagne (Ile d'Houat) (1973.1974.1975.1977.1978). Publ. CNEXO (France) (Actes Colloq.)(no. 12).

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