CeDAMar global database of abyssal biological sampling

The Census of the Diversity of Abyssal Marine Life (CeDAMar), a division of the Census of Marine Life, has compiled the first comprehensive global database of biological samples taken in the abyssal plains of the world ocean. It is an essential resource for planning future exploration of the abyss, for synthesizing patterns of biogeography and biodiversity, and for environmentally safe exploitation of natural resources. The database is described in this article, and made available to investigators through the CeDAMar website.


Abyssal, Marine benthos, Database, Deep sea, Biodiversity

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How to cite
Stuart Carol T., Arbizu Pedro Martinez, Smith Craig R., Molodtsova Tina, Brandt Angelika, Etter Ron J., Escobar-Briones Elva, Fabri Marie-Claire, Rex Michael A. (2008). CeDAMar global database of abyssal biological sampling. Aquatic biology. 4. 143-145. https://doi.org/10.3354/ab00097, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/6091/

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