Use of the analysis system for monitoring the ARGO sensors drifts

In the previous letter, we briefly presented the analysis system operational at the Coriolis datacen-ter. This system both synthetises data sets by pro-ducing temperature and salinity gridded fields and checks for quality the data from the Coriolis data-base in real time. We will focus here on this latter application of the system. We will discuss of the use of the analysis tool to perform the real time and delayed mode quality control (QC), particularly of the ARGO profilers. Those two modes of QC are fundamentally different. Real time QC are meant to flag the data according to pre-defined quality levels, these tests must not slow down the data flow, they are therefore only qualitative. The delayed mode QC has to be quantitative, one wish to detect and evaluate any possible bias or drift in the sensors involved in the measurement, a particular vehicle is studied at once, and followed over its life time. Several methods based on similar techniques whose method recommended by ARGO have been pro-posed. Our general analysis tool is formally equiva-lent to this latter but also offers a wide set of possi-ble uses.

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How to cite
Autret Emmanuelle, Gaillard Fabienne (2006). Use of the analysis system for monitoring the ARGO sensors drifts. Coriolis Letter. 1-2.

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