Meridional circulation and transports in ORCA025 climatological experiments

This report contributes to the preliminary validation of the ORCA025 configuration of the DRAKKAR project ( Only experiments forced by a repeated seasonal cycle forcing are considered here. Most of the plots are for the global ocean but some emphasize the Southern Ocean. The model (ORCA025) is the 1/4 global configuarion of the DRAKKAR project. It uses the NEMO system: OPA9 coupled with the LIM sea ice model, The configuration is described in Barnier et al. (2006). The main experiment considered here, ORCA025-G42, is short: it lasts 10 years.

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How to cite
Treguier Anne-Marie, Molines J. M., Madec G (2006). Meridional circulation and transports in ORCA025 climatological experiments. Ref. OPS/LPO 06-02.

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