History and economic consequences of species invasions on Atlantic coast: "good" & "bad" examples

Species invasion is considered as a main factor impacting the marine biodiversity (CBD, 2008). A comprehensive review of species invasion along the French Atlantic coastline is carried out to assess the present status and side effects resulting from those invasions. Vectors of introduction concerning voluntarily and involuntarily, legal & illegal case studies are reviewed to provide baseline information relating invasion success and potential control. Historical case studies regarding shellfish aquaculture-fisheries development and impacts of exotic diseases (e.g., Bonamia ostreae) as well as hitchhikers (e.g., Rapana venosa) are discussed. Among at least 150 reported exotic species, around 10 species have highly significant side-effects on the ecosystem functioning and on human commercial and recreational activities. In contrast, several economic activities including shellfish farming and fisheries are mainly based upon the use of exotic species (e.g. Pacific cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas, Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum), therefore providing business opportunities to farmers and fishermen in rural areas. Several species, including the slipper limpet Crepidula fornicata, the Pacific cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas have prompted the decision makers and the private sector to develop management practices to address invasion and sustainable development issues. Several technical options have been tested including manual hand picking, mechanical harvest and destruction, with more or less success and potential additional side effects. Their efficiency is also highly dependant on the invasion timing and species distribution. Appropriate spatial and temporal planning is a keystone for efficiency and success to limit invasion side effects, whereas the species eradication is not an option. Various options have been developed to assess potential added value from byproducts and refuse with limited success. Moreover, the final treatment of the refuse remains a key issue from a technical and policy point of view. Management options should be evaluated in terms of cost-efficiency, ecosystem resilience as well as public acceptability. Besides practical management, new approaches should be also evaluated including 1. cross-cutting and trans-sectorial new regulations to prevent involuntarily introduction, and 2. compensation systems within the on-going debate on economic biodiversity evaluation (TEEB, 2008 ; CDC Biodiversité, 2008) to sustain on-going management. Moreover, ICES code of practice (1994), international guidelines (Code of conduct for responsible fisheries (FAO, 1997), IMO regulation on ballast waters (2004) and recent EU regulation regarding the use of exotic species in aquaculture (Council regulation N°708/2007) as well as international research projects (IMPASSE, DAISIE) provide tool-box for managers to limit side-effects and increase awareness of the scientific community as well as the public to species invasions. Eventually, the issue of species invasion has now to be considered within the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MFSD) as one of the 11 descriptors which requires the development and implementation of suitable monitoring programs to assess and further reach the 'good ecological status' ( GEE) of marine waters.


Rapana venosa, Bonamia ostreae, Ruditapes philippinarum, Crepidula fornicata, Crasssostrea gigas, Species invasion, Marine biodiversity

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How to cite
Goulletquer Philippe (2009). History and economic consequences of species invasions on Atlantic coast: "good" & "bad" examples. Total Foundation - Port Cros Symposium 2009. 7-9 october 2009.

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