The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expeditions 1876-1878. Volume 1. Chemistry


Chimie, Campagne océanographique, Voyage, Histoire

Experiments harve long since been instituted, from time to time , by divers chemists, with the object of investigating the absorption of atmospheric air by the fiuids with which in the course of nature it comes in contact ; but not till of late years has this phenomenon been made the subject of exhaustive treatment in its relation tu ocean water. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]


Chemistry, Oceanographical campaign, Expedition, History

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How to cite
Tornoe Hercules (1880). The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expeditions 1876-1878. Volume 1. Chemistry. In Expéditions Den Norske Nordhavs 1876-1878. Volume 1. GRONDAHL & SONS BOGTRYKKERI.

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