Lead and its isotopes in the sediment of three sites on the Lebanese coast: Identification of contamination sources and mobility

Lead concentrations and isotopic composition of sediment samples collected from three sites within the Lebanese coastal zones were measured: at Akkar, Dora and Selaata. Akkar is located far from any direct source of contamination, while Dora and Selaata receive urban and industrial wastes, respectively. Low Pb concentrations (6-16 mu g g(-1)) were detected in the Akkar sediments, and high concentrations of Pb (70-101 mu g g(-1)) were detected in the Dora sediments. Measuring stable isotope ratios of Pb makes it possible to identify the principal sources of Pb in the Akkar sediments as Pb emitted from gasoline combustion and Pb originating from natural sources. On the other hand, Pb stable isotopic ratios in Dora sediments indicate that they are more highly influenced by anthropogenic sources. Isotopic Pb ratios in the Selaata deposits, where Pb concentrations range between 5 and 35 mu g g(-1), have an exceptional radiogenic signature for marine sediments 1.25 < Pb-206/Pb-207 < 1.6 and 0.5, Pb-206/Pb-208 < 0.67, which shows the impact of the phosphogypsum discharged by Selaata's chemical plant. Isotopic Pb analysis applied to EDTA extracts, to test the mobility of Pb, shows that that this mobility is high (>60%) after 24 h of extraction, and that the extracted Pb is less radiogenic than the residual Pb. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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How to cite
Abi Ghanem Carine, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois, Bermond A., Nakhle K., Khalaf G., Borschneck D., Cossa Daniel (2009). Lead and its isotopes in the sediment of three sites on the Lebanese coast: Identification of contamination sources and mobility. Applied Geochemistry. 24 (10). 1990-1999. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2009.07.012, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/7326/

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