The Polar Record Number 19

This expedition was arranged on the initiative of Professor Erik Stensiö of Stockholm to collect fossil specimens for the British Museum (Natural History), the Palaeontologisk Museum, Oslo, and the Hiksmuseum , Stockholm. The chief object was to explore the Old Red Sandstone deposits in the geologically little known Wood Bay area and also in the neighbouring fjords on the north coast. The plans were given in The Polar Record, No. 18, and the final party, which was led by Professor E. A. Steusic with the support of A. Heintz of Oslo, consisted of E. Jarvik (Stockholm), G. Wangsjo (Uppsala), Sven Foyn and K. Aarhus (Oslo), X. Delle (Riga), E. I. White and W. N. Croft (London), J . A. Moy-Thomas (Oxford) and J. Brough (Manchester). C. Andreasen, a sealer from Tromso, brought the collecting party up to twelve. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]


Expedition, Greenland, Antarctic, Arctic

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(1940). The Polar Record Number 19. Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, UK.

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