Temperature resistance of Hesiolyra bergi, a polychaetous annelid living on deep-sea vent smoker walls

For the first time, in vivo heat-exposure experiments were conducted on the hydrothermal vent polychaete Hesiolyra bergi from the hottest part of the vent biotope. Using a pressurised incubator equipped with video-facilities, we found that H. bergi, which forages around and in the tubes of the thermophilic Alvinella sp., became hyperactive once temperature exceeded 35 degreesC and further lost co-ordination in the 41 to 46 degreesC interval, just before death occurred. Another exposure experiment at 39 degreesC for 3 to 4 h led to 80 % mortality (max) 9 h after heat shock, and 100 % thereafter. In view of the much higher temperatures recorded in this organism's habitat, these results suggest that tolerance to high temperatures (exceeding 40 degreesC) is not a pre-requisite for life amongst alvinellid tubes. Behavioural responses (escape from heat) may suffice.


IPOCAMP, Adaptation to heat, Behaviour, Hydrothermal vents

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How to cite
Shillito Bruce, Jollivet Didier, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Rodier Philippe, Lallier François, Desbruyeres Daniel, Gaill Françoise (2001). Temperature resistance of Hesiolyra bergi, a polychaetous annelid living on deep-sea vent smoker walls. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 216. 141-149. https://doi.org/10.3354/meps216141, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/811/

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