Hake catchability by the French trawler fleet in the Bay of Biscay: estimating technical and biological components

Several factors affect trawl catchability: (i) gear and vessel technical characteristics, (ii) anthropogenic factors, and (iii) biological factors. The objectives of this study were to assess the relative contribution of each factor to variations in hake (Merluccius merluccius) landings by the French trawler fleet operating on the shelf of the northern Bay of Biscay (ICES Subdivision VIIIa). Using generalized linear models, the impact of technical and anthropogenic factors was evaluated using landings per unit effort (lpue) obtained from logbooks. Variations in hake lpue were explained primarily by anthropogenic factors. For studying the biological components of catchability, the results of a scientific trawl survey in July 2006 involving three similar trawlers of the French trawler fleet were used. Daytime accessibility to large hake was lower than at night, and about zero for small hake (<19 cm). Estimates of spatial variation made using generalized linear mixed models showed a patchy fine-scale spatial distribution, but a random larger-scale distribution of hake over the area surveyed.


accessibility, beam trawl, catchability, fishing power, GLMM, spatial distribution

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How to cite
Mahevas Stephanie, Trenkel Verena, Doray Mathieu, Peyronnet Arnaud (2011). Hake catchability by the French trawler fleet in the Bay of Biscay: estimating technical and biological components. Ices Journal Of Marine Science. 68 (1). 107-118. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsq140, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00021/13244/

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