Calcein and manganese experiments for marking the shell of the common cockle (Cerastoderma edule): tidal rhythm validation of increments formation

This work focuses on investigating the potential of calcein and manganese as growth markers of the common cockle (Cerastoderma edule) in the bay of Somme (France). Recapture of shells, previously marked using a chemical marking and then bred in natural conditions, was performed in order to determine the shell growth patterns. Calcein marking has shown a fluorescent increment in shells after only 30 min immersion time at 150 mg L-1, but also for shells immersed 3 h at 50 mg L-1. Likewise, manganese shell marking was revealed under cathodoluminescence for shells immersed 1 h at 120 mg L-1 as well as for shells which spent 4 h at 90 mg L-1. A numerical analysis performed on each marked cockles has revealed 23 micro-increments between the mark and the ventral edge of the valves, corresponding to the 23 tides that occurred during the 12 days at liberty post marking. The periodicity of increment formation is thus validated for a tidal frequency. The growth rates of C. edule, ranged from 11.67 to 19.94 mu m d (1), decreased significantly with increasing shell length. This preliminary study gives a clue to the understanding of cockle growth and could be used in shellfish production for cockle age monitoring, but also for chemical analysis to learn more about biomineralization process of this species.


Calcein, Manganese, Marking, Cathodoluminescence, Shellfish, Cerastoderma edule

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How to cite
Mahe Kelig, Bellamy Elise, Lartaud Franck, de Rafelis Marc (2010). Calcein and manganese experiments for marking the shell of the common cockle (Cerastoderma edule): tidal rhythm validation of increments formation. Aquatic Living Resources. 23 (3). 239-245.,

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