Application of POCIS for the monitoring of pesticides, pharmaceuticals and alkylphenols in marine water

With the new European legislation (the Water Framework Directive, 2000/60/EC), the decision makers responsible for the assessment of the environmental contamination require simple monitoring tools. Passive sampling methods seem to be promising tools for the sampling of polar organic compounds in water, especially in marine waters where important dilutions and low concentrations are usual. They are taking into account the temporal variability and integrating the contamination over period of time. This work presents a study, on a large scale, of the contamination of French Mediterranean coastal waters realized in partnership with the Water Agency Rhône Méditerranée Corse (AERMC), and Coastal Water Quality Offices (CQEL).

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How to cite
Tapie Nathalie, Munaron Dominique, Gonzalez Jean-Louis, Budzinski Helene (2009). Application of POCIS for the monitoring of pesticides, pharmaceuticals and alkylphenols in marine water. 19th annuel meeting SETAC Europe, 31 may-04 june 2009, Göteborg, Sweden.

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