Refinements of sea state statistics for marine renewables: A case study from simultaneous buoy measurements in Portugal

This paper presents a refined description of the wave climate observed in a Portuguese location for marine energy projects. The data used in this case study were derived from 3-month in situ measurements carried out using three directional buoys that have been deployed simultaneously – yet independently (various buoy types and water depths) – on the Atlantic coast in the neighbourhood of Figueira da Foz. Two ways of reporting the statistics were adopted. In the first one, each recorded sea state was summarized as a set of global parameters accounting for energy, mean frequency and direction, spectral bandwidth and directional spreading related to the main ongoing wave field considered as unimodal. In the second one, each sea state has been decomposed into its own wave components – swells and wind-sea – which are characterised separately and individually by the same set of parameters as previously. Besides the adopted data processing techniques and the illustration of such thorough wave climate description modes, the paper also addresses the advantages and limits of each adopted parameterization in the frame of simultaneous and independent in situ wave measurements. Highlights ► Wave statistics produced considering unimodal and multimodal sea-state descriptions. ► Spectral bandwidth and directional spreading are included in both descriptions. ► Spectral bandwidth is significantly correlated to wave energy/peak period. ► Wave directional spreading is difficult to estimate in absolute terms. ► Directional artefacts are obtained with Maximum Entropy Methods in some cases.


Sea state, Directional spectrum, Wave systems, Spectrum partitioning, Spectral bandwidth, Directional spreading

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How to cite
Saulnier Jean Baptiste, Prevosto Marc, Maisondieu Christophe (2011). Refinements of sea state statistics for marine renewables: A case study from simultaneous buoy measurements in Portugal. Renewable Energy. 36 (11). 2853-2865.,

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