Integrating coastal zone dialogue : can initial networking of partners reduce conflicts in marine coastal areas?

Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is a link between three main fields: environment, society and economics. All of them are under strong and contradictory pressures with numerous factors and limited up-to-date and consistent knowledge. Nevertheless, decision makers have to find methods and means to manage the sustainable development of the coastal area, a place where different and frequently conflicting uses are steadily increasing, notably along the Mediterranean coastline. Numerous guidelines are available but their usual and common sense recommendations are rarely applied. The actor-network theory (Callon & Latour) could be a useful tool to clarify and reduce chronic resource use conflicts in coastal areas. The usefulness and efficiency of this theory was demonstrated in scallop fishery management in Northern Brittany in the 80’s. After scaling up, this theory demonstrated its relevance and usefulness in two modern issues related to coastal management lato sensu: networking of actors involved in aquaculture development to train them in a new ecosystem approach (the IUCN initiative) and artificial reefs project management (for example the Portuguese model of Algarve). The asset of this theory is that it is a concrete and easily-applied method which can be proposed to any set of stakeholders, a soon as the challenge or the project has been defined. This practical method may also be used as a simulation process, notably in the context of foresight analysis.


coastal zone management, governance, actors network theory, foresight analysis

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How to cite
Lacroix Denis, Simard François (2010). Integrating coastal zone dialogue : can initial networking of partners reduce conflicts in marine coastal areas?. Actes de colloques.

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