A review: pelagic fishes at petroleum platforms in the Northern Gulf of Mexico; diversity, interrelationships, and perspective

Approximately 4,000 petroleum (oil and gas) platforms exist in the northern Gulf of Mexico and form one of the world's most extensive de facto artificial reef systems. Collectively, these structures may comprise one of the largest fad (Fish Aggregating Device) arrays in the world, attracting surface and midwater pelagic fishes. The diverse composition of pelagic fish fauna at ngom platforms is described and includes valued species such as Thunnus albacares, Thunnus atlanticus, Coryphaena hippurus, Acanthocybium solandri, Rachycentron canadum, Seriola dumerili, Scomberomorus cavalla, and Decapterus punctatus. Petroleum platforms influence pelagic fishery resources and are an important component of the Gulf's commercial and recreational fishing industries. Reviewed literature revealed a sparsity of fundamental knowledge of densities, temporal and spatial occurrence, and fishing effort/catch rates of pelagic fishes at platforms. The role of Gulf petroleum platforms "as fads" is examined, possible mechanisms for aggregation are reviewed, and a synopsis of the author's preliminary findings on life history aspects of A. solandri and R. canadum from platforms is presented. It is proposed that platforms provide opportunities for the study of pelagic species to better understand the life history, ecology, behaviour, and habitat requirements of pelagic fishery resources in the Gulf of Mexico.


Attracting techniques, Offshore structures, Pelagic fisheries, Petroleum, Tuna fisheries, Underwater habitats, Article Geographic Terms: ASW, Mexico Gulf

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How to cite
Franks J (2000). A review: pelagic fishes at petroleum platforms in the Northern Gulf of Mexico; diversity, interrelationships, and perspective. Pêche thonière et dispositifs de concentration de poissons, Caribbean-Martinique, 15-19 Oct 1999. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00042/15301/

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