Mise en place et exploitation des DCP en Martinique, aspects reglementaires et economiques
Since the beginning of 1980, the Martinique fishermen have suffered a deep crisis. The traditional ways of fishing, based on benthic fish exploitation, have seen the decreasing of their profitability due to the over-fishing of the narrow continental shelf offering few resources. The pelagic fishery had become the professional main source of income. This fishery equally encounter difficulties: denied rights of access in the EEZ of Caribbean islands, expensive costs of exploitation. The disposal of FADs offers new ways to the Martinique fishermen. In 1999, it was decided the disposal of a onetworko of 30 permanent FADs around Martinique. The mooring of these FADs must be followed by legal and economic adapted measures to reach the desired aim: the development of local fishery economy through a sustainable fishing practice. Therefore, the French authorities have decided to make the regional fishermen committee responsible for the management of FADs.This committee is the only one to be entitled to moor and to deliver licences to FADs. This committee, gathering all the fishing industry representatives, has regarding the french law the right of mooring and delivering licences to the FADs access, collecting fishery statistics. These data should fund research to improve the management of the fishery, care and replace FADs. This programas realisation, as well as durability, need adequate financial planning. It has been included in the European commission financing program. This plans success will ensure the increase of the fishermen income, maintain and develop employment.Original Abstract: Apres une periode d'experimentation lancee localement au debut des annees quatre-vingt, les premiers resultats ont ete suffisamment probants pour conduire les professionnels a souhaiter l'implantation de dispositifs de concentration de poissons (dcp) en Martinique ou a les implanter eux-memes pour la capture des dorades coryphenes, des thons noirs, de l'albacore ou du listao. Le colloque international sur la peche thoniere et les dispositifs de concentration de poissons organise du 15 au 19 octobre 1999 en Martinique donne l'occasion de revenir sur le contexte, l'interet et les modalites de developpement de la technique des dcp en Martinique.
Laisne L, Angelelli P (2000). Mise en place et exploitation des DCP en Martinique, aspects reglementaires et economiques. Pêche thonière et dispositifs de concentration de poissons, Caribbean-Martinique, 15-19 Oct 1999. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00042/15305/