Peche artisanale sur DCP et peche palangriere a la Reunion: antagonisme ou complementarite?

More than ten years after its launching, an evaluation of the results of the FADs programme carried on in Reunion Island has been made. Its implementation and its impact on artisanal fishery in Reunion Island have been analysed. This analysis demonstrates that, following a continuously ascending phase, the production of fish caught on fads has reached a plateau. Parallel to the FAD-associated fishery, the longline fishery has developed since 1991. This type of fishery includes production units whose operating zone is bordering the FAD installation area. Analysing the evolution of the small longliner sector is based on general activity indicators (number of ships, production, fish selling prices). Besides, a synthesis of the interactions between those two types of fisheries, whether in terms of exploited resources, space conflicts, fishing population or market, has been effected. Judging from the complementary and antagonistic natures of the two fisheries identified above and given their evolution, the future of the FADs programme is pending. Have the fads just been a step in the evolution of the Reunion fishing system or have they modified it on a long-term basis?


Artisanal fishing, Attracting techniques, Longlining, Tuna fisheries

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Comment citer
Tessier E, Poisson Francois (2000). Peche artisanale sur DCP et peche palangriere a la Reunion: antagonisme ou complementarite?. Pêche thonière et dispositifs de concentration de poissons, Caribbean-Martinique, 15-19 Oct 1999.

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