Observation and parameterization of small icebergs: Drifting breakwaters in the southern ocean

The variability of small-size iceberg distributions is revealed from a novel analysis of satellite altimeter data. A strong annual cycle is modulated by pulse-like events confined to single ocean basins, with dense iceberg populations in the South Atlantic in 2004-2005, and in the South Pacific in 2008. Anomalies in sea surface temperatures of the order of 1 degrees C may be related to the iceberg distribution. Icebergs also appear very strongly associated with anomalies in the heights of ocean waves. A preliminary parameterization of wave blocking by icebergs significantly reduces wave model errors in the region south of 45 degrees South, and has a perceptible influence on all the west coasts of the Southern hemisphere. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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How to cite
Ardhuin Fabrice, Tournadre Jean, Queffeulou Pierre, Girard-Ardhuin Fanny, Collard Fabrice (2011). Observation and parameterization of small icebergs: Drifting breakwaters in the southern ocean. Ocean Modelling. 39 (3-4). 405-410. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2011.03.004, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00044/15535/

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