Genetic bases and variability of physiological traits involved in growth in Crassostrea gigas - First Progress Report 1st January-31st December 1996 - Contract n° FAIR 95-421 Commission of the European Communities

The EEC project "Genephys 1996-2000", initiated by the IFREMER laboratory GAP (Génetique, Aquaculture et Pathologie, La Tremblade and CREMA (Centre de Recherche en Ecologie Marine et Aquaculture, l'Houmeau), aims to establish the relationships between physiological traits involved in growth (oxygen consumption, absorption efficiency, scope for growth) and their genetic bases (determinism, variability within and among populations) in cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas. The main objectives are: 1- To express the maximum variability of growth, both at the larval stage and at the adult stage, in an oyster population originating from parents of various origins. 2- To check the persistence over the time, of growth performance and related physiological functions. 3- To explain the observed growth differential by physiological functions studied. 4- To establish whether the growth differential and the physiological functions are associated with a genetic basis, using 2 types of markers (allozymes and microsatellites), and whether these are related to aneuploidy and to the identity of missing chromosomes. 5- To estimate, in a second generation, genetic variance (additivity, dominance) and heritability of growth and of related physiological traits. Also to estimate aneuploidy transmission to this generation. 6- To evaluate the possibility of selection for a better assimilation efficiency. The beginning of a genetic map provides the first step for marker-assisted selection and QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) location.


Genetic, Determinism, Variability, Physilogy, Oxygen consumption, Absorption efficiency, Growth, Oysters, Crassostrea gigas

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How to cite
Gerard Andre, Boudry Pierre, Bougrier Serge, Hawkins A. J. S., Thiriot Quievreux Catherine, Wilkinns N. P., Zouros Eleftherios, Bonhomme Francois (1996). Genetic bases and variability of physiological traits involved in growth in Crassostrea gigas - First Progress Report 1st January-31st December 1996 - Contract n° FAIR 95-421 Commission of the European Communities. Ref. Contract n° FAIR 95-421.

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