A new open cableb infrastructure in MEDSEA

Recently the ANTARES Neutrino telescope's Infrastructure in the deep Mediterranean Sea, has been extended by a Secondary Junction Box. The main emphasis has been to provide basic power and communications capability for new scientific cabled observatories. This new infrastructure provides unprecedented amounts of power and two-way bandwidth to access and control instrument networks in the oceans. This new development allows cabled observatory to connect the seafloor to the Internet via real-time, two-way highspeed communications. This design gives researchers new capabilities beyond the reach of traditional oceanography. Ocean scientists can run deep-water experiments from labs and universities anywhere around the world. Three different underwater observatories are already been connected at this Secondary Junction Box. This paper presents this new Infrastructure which has been deployed by the R/V Pourquoi Pas? and connected by the IFREMER's ROV VICTOR6000. After a technical description of the system, we detailled an overview of the complete deployment at sea.

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Leon Pierre, Drogou Jean-Francois, Chenot Damien, Leveque C., Martinossi Henri, Massol Alain, Rigaud Vincent, Santarelli Dominique, Valdy Pierre, Gojak Carl, Bernardet Karim, Hafidi Zouhir, Lenault Yannick, Mahiouz Karim, Deschamps Anne, Hello Y., Lefevre D., Tamburini C., Destelle J. J. (2011). A new open cableb infrastructure in MEDSEA. 2011 Ieee - Oceans Spain. -. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00050/16173/

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