There were an exchange and a workshop in 2002 of the sole in the Bay of Biscay. The Otolith Exchange Scheme 2011 was the second exercise for the sole in the Bay of Biscay. 5 readers participated in this exchange from Belgium (2 readers), from France (2 readers) and from UK England (1 reader). The otolith collection (n=120) came from 3 samples realized at the fishing port of La Cotinière during the month of June in 2010. For each otolith, readers had the images of otolith section before and after staining. This analyse presented the results of 8 readers (5 readings of stained otoliths and 3 readings of unstained otoliths). Mean precision of age estimate for individual fish were Coefficient of Variation (CV) of 4.7% and percent agreement to modal age of 88.6%. On 120 otoliths, 67 were read with 100% agreement (56%) and thus a CV of 0%. There were only little variations in precision of age estimation between individual fish, with CV ranging from 0 to 27% and percent agreement range from 50 to 100%. There is no bias between the readers of Belgium (Ilse Maertens and Martine Moerman), France (Anne Boiron and Romain Elleboode) and the UK England (Ian Holmes).