Characteristics of fads2 gene expression and putative promoter in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): Comparison with salmonid species and analysis of CpG methylation

Marine fish species exhibit low capacity to biosynthesise highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA) in comparison to strict freshwater and anadromous species. It is admitted that the Delta(6) desaturase (FADS2) is a key enzyme in the HUFA biosynthetic pathway. We investigated by quantitative PCR the relative amounts of FADS2 mRNA in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in comparison with a salmonid species, the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss L.). The analysis of the expression data was performed regarding the difference of the characteristics of a critical fragment of the fads2 gene promoter between sea bass and Atlantic salmon. The lower level of fads2 gene expression observed in sea bass suggested that fads2 gene putative promoter, which exhibited an E-box like Sterol Regulatory Element (SRE) site but lacked a Sp1 site, is less active in this marine species. The cytosine methylation of CpG sites in the putative promoter region including E-box like SRE and NF-Y binding sites of sea bass fads2 gene was also investigated following a nutritional conditioning of larvae. However, no significant difference of CpG methylation could be found for any of the 28 CpGs analysed between larvae fed diet with high or low HUFA contents. In conclusion, the present data revealed lower constitutive expression of the fads2 gene possibly related to different characteristics of gene promoter in sea bass in comparison with salmonid species, and indicated that long-term conditioning of fads2 gene expression did not influence the methylation of the gene promoter at potential SRE binding site.


FADS2, Sea bass, Gene expression, Promoter, Methylation

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Geay Florian, Zambonino-Infante Jose-Luis, Reinhardt Richard, Kuhl Heiner, Santigosa Ester, Cahu Chantal, Mazurais David (2012). Characteristics of fads2 gene expression and putative promoter in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): Comparison with salmonid species and analysis of CpG methylation. Marine Genomics. 5. 7-13.,

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