Fast and slow spreading ridges: structure and hydrothermal activity - Ultramafic Topographic Highs and CH4 outputFull TextFilePagesSizeAccess 15664.pdf 9381 KoOpen accessDownload How to citeBougault Henri, Charlou Jean-Luc, Fouquet Yves, Needham Hubert D, Vaslet Nathalie, Appriou Pierre, Jean Baptiste Philippe, Rona Peter A, Dmitriev Leonid, Silantiev Sergei (1993). Fast and slow spreading ridges: structure and hydrothermal activity - Ultramafic Topographic Highs and CH4 output. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth. 98 (B6). 9643-9651., this text Oceanographic cruisesHYDROFAST, FARANAUT/15N, RIDELENTE