Phycotoxin monitoring in France : risk-based strategy and main results (2006-2008)

Toxin monitoring is carried out along the coasts of France by a national network, REPHY, which is the National Monitoring Network for Phytoplankton and Phycotoxins. Sampling strategy differs according to the type of zone coastal or offshore and to the family of toxins. For PSP and ASP toxins, monitoring is based on the detection of toxic phytoplankton species. For lipophilic toxins, a systematic analysis of toxins is performed in risk areas during high risk periods. Experimental monitoring for palytoxins has also been conducted along the Mediterranean coast since 2007. The total number of toxin analyses is in the order of 2500 to 3000 per year. The detailed results for each family of toxins showed that the most frequent toxic events for the period from 2006 to 2008 were lipophilic, with many types of shellfish and many regions concerned. Many of these episodes, detected on the basis of bio-assay, were not associated with the presence of OA+DTX+PTX above the sanitary threshold. During the same period, PSP toxic events were very scarce and ASP toxic events concerned mainly scallops in Brittany. The current system, with a risk-based strategy, takes into account high risks based on past problems in France (such as lipophilic, PSP or ASP toxic events), but it also attempts to anticipate the emergent problems, such as palytoxins.


monitoring, phytoplankton, toxin, sampling, shellfish, french coasts

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How to cite
Belin Catherine, Amzil Zouher (2010). Phycotoxin monitoring in France : risk-based strategy and main results (2006-2008). ICMSS09 - Nantes, France - June 2009.

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