Environmental sustainability of brackishwater aquaculture in the Mekong delta, Vietnam - Gambas

This Gambas report contains two parts. The summary report (Volume 1) gives an account of the project intervention from May 2000 to December 2003, and a digest of the project's results and deliverables. The comprehensive report (Volume 2) contains the details of the scientific research and the technical results brought about by the project. Besides, a CD/ROM containing all the technical reports, publications and maps generated in the frame of Gambas is available from the coordinator.

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Volume 1 - Summary report
6010 Mo
Volume 2 - Comprehensive report
22139 Mo
How to cite
Populus Jacques, Raux Pascal, Martin Jean-Louis, Auda Yves (2004). Environmental sustainability of brackishwater aquaculture in the Mekong delta, Vietnam - Gambas. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00083/19386/

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