Structure du peuplement ichtyologique du talus continental à l'ouest des iles britanniques et impact de la pêche

A fisrt survey designed to estimate the impact of the fishery on the multispecific population of the slope has been carried out from June 26th to July 20th 1996 on board of the French R/V Thalassa. This survey took place West of Scotland, between 55 degrees and 57 degrees of latitude North, on an area from where data before exploitation were available and where fishing activity was intensive since the 90's. On this area, the analysis of the species composition by haul only showed that the fish assemblage was structured according to depth. Such a conclusion was not new. However, the positioning of the hauls on two smaller sectors characterized by different slopes and bottoms, and probably by a lesser fishing intensity on the one with rougher bottom did not appear different in term of species composition. The catch rates obtained during this survey were compared to previous data collected from 1973 to 1980. The comparison showed a general decline in the catch rates. Shark and Hoplostethus atlanticus populations seem to have declined more than that of Coryphaenoides rupestris.


multispecies fish population, ANE, Ireland, Hebrid terrace, France, Brittany, Meriadzec Terrace, continental slope, survey

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Comment citer
Lorance Pascal (1998). Structure du peuplement ichtyologique du talus continental à l'ouest des iles britanniques et impact de la pêche. Cybium. 22 (4). 309-331.

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