Mercator Ocean special issue with Coriolis. Quaterly newsletter

NAOS: preparing the new decade for Argo. Ice, Atmosphere, Ocean Observing System: the EQUIPEX-funded IAOOS project. Autonomously profiling the nitrate concentrations in the ocean: the pronuts project. EGO: Towards a global glider infrastructure for the benefit of marine research and operational oceanography. Cirene: from cyclones to interannual timescales in the south-western tropical Indian Ocean. Use of ARGO floats to study the ocean dynamics south of Africa: what we have learned from the GoodHope project and what we plan within the SAMOC international programme. Use of altimetric and wind data to detect the anomalous loss of SVP-type drifter’s drogue Surface salinity drifters for SMOS validation A new information and data mining tool for North Atlantic Argo data

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(2012). Mercator Ocean special issue with Coriolis. Quaterly newsletter. Mercator Ocean – CORIOLIS Quarterly Newsletter. (45 spec.). 41.

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