Situation of wild beds of Crassostrea gigas regarding OsHV-1 µvar: spatiotemporal description of contamination in Pacific oyster wild beds in Marennes Oleron Bay
This study focuses on the situation of wild oyster beds of Crassostrea gigas against OsHV-1 μvar and presents a spatio-temporal description of the OsHV-1 contamination in wild oyster beds in the bay of Marennes-Oléron from a range of sampling based on a hydrodynamic model and analyzes conducted in 2010. The objectives were to describe wild populations of pacific oysters in Marennes Oleron bay; to characterize these populations regarding OsHV-1 prevalence for spat and adults in connection with the isolation level from reared stocks and the sampling periods.
Pepin Jean-Francois, Soletchnik Patrick, Lupo Coralie, Geairon Philippe, Seugnet Jean-Luc, Robert Stephane, Bernard Ismal, Le Moine Olivier (2011). Situation of wild beds of Crassostrea gigas regarding OsHV-1 µvar: spatiotemporal description of contamination in Pacific oyster wild beds in Marennes Oleron Bay. 15th International European Association of Fish Pathologists conference, Split, Croatia, 12-16th September 2011.