Strengthening the collaboration between scientists and fishing industry in view of improving scientific advice. Working document addressing the issues to be tackled in the WKDDRAC3 meeting.

The Third Data Deficiency Coordination Workshop with the RACs (WKDDRAC3), was planned to be chaired by Joël Vigneau (France) and Barrie Deas (UK), at ICES in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 16 January 2013 to: a) Evaluate the progress done after WKDDRAC2 b) Identify the main data issue of the northwest and southwest water stocks and agree on actions to improve data deficiencies; c) Data preparation for ICES stock benchmark meetings;
How to cite
Vigneau Joel, Van Beek Frans, Lordan Colm, Lorance Pascal, Armstrong Mike, Dalskov Jørgen, Ullrich clara, Moreau Kelle, Santurtun Marina, Schon Peter Jan (2013). Strengthening the collaboration between scientists and fishing industry in view of improving scientific advice. Working document addressing the issues to be tackled in the WKDDRAC3 meeting.

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