Deep Sea Net: an affordable and expandable solution for deep sea sensor networks

Deep Sea Net is a new concept of deep sea sensor network built from fiber optic micro cable and battery operated IP access nodes. Deep Sea Net fiber optic transport segments are deployed directly from a standard ROV, avoiding the use of a costly cable layer ship. Deployment skid is abandoned on user site ready to connect local sensors and next transport segment. Deep Sea Net is a low consumption network which can be waked on user (or sensor) demand. Lithium batteries and fine power management will give 10 years of autonomy with ¼ of hour operation per day. The innovative approach of Deep Sea Net will permit to build, extend and maintain future sensor networks at very competitive prices.

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How to cite
Valdy Pierre, Ciausu Viorel, Moriconi Pascal, Rigaud Vincent, Hello Y, Charvis P, Deschamps A, Sillans C (2007). Deep Sea Net: an affordable and expandable solution for deep sea sensor networks. 2007 Symposium on Underwater Technology and Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables and Related Technologies, pp.172-175.

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