Ultra-deep low-frequency sub-bottom profilerfor AUV and ROV
Acoustical techniques for ultra-deep sub-bottom exploration are still little investigated. IXSEA and IFREMER have launched in 2006 the development of a new deep-sea low-frequency sub-bottom profiler, working up to 6000 meters depth. Based on the Janus-Helmholtz broadband technology, two acoustic sources have been modelled, achieved and in-tank and at-sea measured : a single transducer working in the [1.8, 6.2 kHz] frequency band, and a three-transducer array operating in the [2, 8 kHz] frequency band. In both cases, vertical resolution is better that 20 cm. Comparison between finite element modelling and in-tank measurements is presented, together with the specific constraints linked to very-deep water and AUV mounting.
Power electronics and impedance matching unit have been specifically optimised to deliver a sound level of 190 dB (ref. 1 µPa @ 1 m), with 48 VDC supply voltage and 250 W available electric power.
The receiving part is made up of a three-hydrophone array with a loss of sensitivity lower than 1 dB between 0 and 600 bar.
This ultra-deep light system has been mounted on an IFREMER's AUV and the first results at sea are presented and discussed.
Le Gall Yves, Pacault Anne, Saint-Laurent Xavier, Viaene Jean-Michel, Mosca Frédéric, Greninguey Gilles, Vial Marcel, Aissa Jean Claude (2008). Ultra-deep low-frequency sub-bottom profilerfor AUV and ROV. Acoustics’08, Palais des Congrès, Paris, 4 juillet 2008. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00127/23836/